What is my Blog & Work all about?

manuela-willbold-work-with me

As an online media strategist, blogger and digital nomad, I mostly write about my daily work and life in London and abroad while working remotely. I share tips, news and advice about content writing, blogging, web and media strategy, marketing, SEO, managing websites, online presences and remote work.

I also share insights into my work and life as a digital nomad and how I work in London and travel and work abroad. 

I consider myself an expert those areas, but also have an education background through my previous career, which is reflected in my blogging content on several blogs I manage.

Digital PR & Press Coverage Examples

Below I share some examples of the different types and forms of content publications I can offer on the websites I manage. Simply click on each image to read the full post. 

How You Can Work With Me

Despite this being my personal blog, where I am the main author, I am always happy to collaborate with other talented bloggers, writers and marketers.

If you have valuable knowledge, insights, tips, news or ideas that would be of interest to my audience, then I’d be happy to check out your pitch and get back to you with my thoughts.

I can provide various publication opportunities on this or other platforms as I know how difficult it is to get one’s voice heard in the digital space. 

I am equally happy to consider potential partnerships that benefit readers and followers.


What to consider?

For any contribution to be successful, it needs to fulfil certain criteria from my experience as an SEO content writer. Meaning, if content is supposed to rank and bank, it needs to tick the following boxes:

√ be relevant, trending, informative and engaging

√ be written in perfect English/German

√ contain reliable, rich sources and references also in visual formats

√ offer readers useful answers and solutions

√ contain relevant keywords, hyperlinks and media

√ contain engaging elements and CTAs

Top Blog Post Examples

Additional Collaboration Ideas

Apart from collaborating on blog posts, other possible collaboration or partnership ideas include:

√ reviews

√ social media partnerships/campaigns

√ event or news coverage

√ content creation/optimisation/publication

√ content or marketing consultation

√ interviews

√ your unique request


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