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How to Create a Blog Post Google Will Send Many Readers to?

Table of Contents

In today’s digital world, it has become challenging to write blog articles that make it to the top on search engines.

Blogging consistently and writing an engaging post that not only ranks on search engines but attracts huge traffic is a hard nut to crack.

According to research, blogs where posts are consistently going up, are 13% more likely to rank higher in the search results than the websites that update blogs once or twice a month. And you can find 100 prime examples of famous UK bloggers that have managed to reach the top with not just one but many articles.

So, how can you become a Top Blogger ranking at the Top of Google?

How to Write a Blog PostWhat are some exclusive blog writing techniques that can help you take your site to the top of the search engines?

If you are searching for the answers, you have come to the right place! In this post, we’ll discuss the ways you can boost your organic traffic and search engine rankings by writing a compelling and exceptional blog. Read on.

  • Optimize your Site for Search Engines

This is no longer an era where you can write a blog post on any topic, insert keywords, upload images, and expect your content to get great exposure. If you want your blog to get ranked on the first page of search engines, you need to do some hard work.

Today, people often employ two major strategies for blogging:

  1. On-page Site Optimization
  2. Off-page Optimization

On-page SEO involves:

  • keyword research with reliable SEO tools,
  • meta-description containing rankable keywords,
  • image ALT text containing keyword variations,
  • headers & sub headers containing keyword variations,
  • bullet points/clear paragraphs,
  • and everything that makes your article unique and engaging and relevant for what your potential readers are looking for.

Watch this recording of how the #1 SEO consultant Fernando Raymond and I published a comprehensive guide of nearly 2000 words on the WordPress blog, applying all the listed on-page SEO strategies and tips step by step:

This is the most popular yet common way of allowing the search engine’s spiders to crawl your website and index it.

Off-page SEO involves:seo-strategies-and-techniques-for-bloggers-to-reach-top-in-serps

With billions of active blogs on the internet, it gets quite difficult for new bloggers to get their content on top of the search results. Therefore, they start blogging, sweet pitching, guest posting, and cross-promotion techniques to generate quality backlinks from other authority sites.

You can learn more about content marketing techniques like business listings, guest posting opportunities and press release services I offer through SEO consultancy ClickDo in these articles:

Top 10 Blogs UK Businesses should be featured for PR & Marketing

24 Must-Know Link Building Methods for guaranteed SEO Results

However, you cannot expect Google to rank your blog in the first ten search results unless you write a compelling and well-written blog post to start with. Content quality and comprehensiveness as well as relevancy are key indicators Google uses to rank websites according to their latest search quality evaluator updates and guidelines.

  • Use the right SEO Writing Strategies

Sure, people use paid advertising techniques to drive more traffic to their pages. But the problem is paid methods don’t encourage organic traffic generation through organic search results.

Research suggests that roughly 70 to 80 percent of bloggers don’t use paid search services at all. They totally rely on the on-page SEO tactics to drive traffic to their website. Fortunately, these strategies work for them. You don’t need any paid ads if you manage to master the on-site SEO optimization. SEO content writing is the only possible way of generating organic traffic and genuine leads. The question is what on-page actually includes?

  • Optimizing your blog for search engines using keywords, meta-data, and multimedia content (such as videos, images, infographics, charts, and etc.).seo-content-writing-for-high-google-ranks
  • Writing a detailed blog on the given topic.
  • Answering as many questions of the audience as possible through your blog post, adding most searched for keywords.
  • Providing your audience with an accurate solution to their problems.
  • Keeping the engagement of your visitors by structuring your content effectively.

That’s it! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get organic traffic. Instead, a compelling blog post that solves customer’s problems is enough to get your website on the first page of the search results, if you can also get some good backlinks for it with related anchor texts. It is worth to note that SEO friendly web content focuses on visitors rather than search engines and I’d suggest you also test alternative search engines to Google for keywords for your blog post.

Write a detailed and well-structured Blog Post

how to structure a blogA compelling blog post is something that everyone loves to read.

You create a blog, select a theme, add content to it, upload media like images or videos, and carry out the necessary SEO strategies. But you still don’t get the search results you want? The reason can be a boring post that seems way too complicated to be understood.

Through well-structured and compelling blogs, we don’t mean a post that is 100% grammatically correct or sounds professional (even though you should use a grammar and spell checker tool!). But it should be written in a way that your users find it interesting and informative as well as easy to follow.

The structure is the first thing your readers look at via your table of content. It should be so engaging that visitors don’t think twice before checking out other blogs. For more tips on how to structure a WordPress blog post, check out this tutorial:

Here’s how you can achieve a well-structured Blog Post


  • Write an eye-catching title

Write a title that makes users more curious to click on your blog’s URL and read the full article. It should be between 50 and 60 characters. Make sure that you don’t stuff keywords unnecessarily in the title. Use it wisely i.e., only if it fits naturally.

  • Write an attractive introduction

The intro should be short and tell your users what exactly they will find in your post. Try to add some questions in your intro to make your visitors more likely to read the full blog and find answers to their problems. For example, “Do you want to increase traffic and leads? We’ll walk you through some interesting and effortless ideas of gaining more visitors to your website”.

  • Include examples and illustrations

People love to know how they can relate to your blog. For example, if your blog is about dieting tips for weight loss, give an example of your customers who lost their extra pounds using your strategies.

  • Make your content engaging

Include bullet points, sub-headings, images, videos, infographics, tables, statistics, and other content that makes your blog easy on the eye. Don’t write long paragraphs or hard-to-read content.

  • Draw a conclusion

Write a conclusion that explains how your blog post can offer solutions to the problem of your visitors. Your visitors search for a query on Google and other search engines so this is where they will find your articles first. They want relevant answers to their problems so you must write a post in a conversational tone since it attracts more visitors. The idea is to keep your visitors engaged, and what’s a better way of doing that than communicating with them through your blog effectively.

These were some blog writing strategies that can help you draw the attention of your audience and generate more traffic. Follow these tips to become an expert content writer.

You can find out more about how I ranked my “how to make money online in Germany” article on top of over 20 search terms on Google in this blog post:

The best Blogging Platform for Writers to Rank and Make Money Online

Or by watching this video:

Author Profile

Blogger and Educator by Passion | CMO at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.
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