7 Content Writing Services to Offer for SEO Marketing

7 Content Writing Services to Offer for SEO Marketing

Content Writing has undergone significant change in recent years.

Technology has undoubtedly given content writing and content creation a significant platform and content consumption is at a peak today.

According to various sources gathered on Bing and Google search, in 2022, every minute on the internet, users sent 231 million emails, streamed one million hours of video, shared 1.7 million pieces of content on Facebook, and spent 90.2 million dollars on cryptocurrency.

It is very clear that content and data are the new gold in the digital era and content creators need to know about the various types of content writing services they can offer to their market to remain relevant in a time where Artificial Intelligence can deliver a lot of content, including written and visual content.

I will therefore walk you through different types of content writing services for SEO marketing and how each of these services can be tailored to remain in demand and effective for clients, websites, and marketing campaigns.

The Top 7 Content Writing Services Content Writers can offer

1. Copywriting Services


Copywriting service is a professional service that provides high-quality content for various purposes, such as websites, blogs, social media, newsletters, ads, brochures, and more.

Usually, this entails providing relevant written material according to the requirements of clients for the web, advertisements, or other forms of communication and marketing.

The art and science of writing to convince, influence, and motivate people to perform the desired action is what copywriting is all about. It covers various specialties, including editorial, advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and social media.

A copywriting service can help a business communicate its message or mission effectively, persuade its audience to take action and boost brand awareness and credibility.

The copywriting services I offer, for example, range from creating brand-new content for web pages to improving content for search engines and marketing purposes, taking target keywords into account in combination with project briefs. I train our skilled assistant writers to provide unique, SEO-friendly content to take a client’s digital marketing and SEO strategy to the next level.

You can learn more about what I offer here:


Digital PR & Press Coverage Services

A professional copywriting service can therefore save clients time and money by taking care of the research, writing, editing, proofreading, and SEO optimization of their content.

2. Blog Content Writing Services


A blog content writing service is a type of service that provides high-quality and engaging content for blogs as the name suggests.

Blog content writing services can help blog owners scale their blog content to attract more visitors, increase conversions, and establish their authority in their niche.

Blog writing services typically offer different packages and options for different needs and budgets, and they should tailor the content to their client’s requirements and unique voice.

Some of the benefits a blog content writing service should offer are:

– Saving time and energy:

Blog owners can focus on other aspects of their business while the service handles content creation and editing.

– Delivering professional and SEO-friendly content:

Blog content writing services offer experienced and skilled writers who know how to write for different audiences and optimize content for search engines using various SEO tools.

– Boosting credibility and reputation:

Blog content writing services can help blog owners to showcase their expertise and knowledge in their field and build trust with their readers.

– Increasing engagement and loyalty:

Blog content writing services can create content that is relevant, informative, and entertaining for the readers, encouraging them to interact and return for more.

Blog writing aims to build relationships with readers and open doors for customer interaction. In general, it can be a successful strategy for companies to expand their online visibility and connect with their target market through targeted posts.

Businesses can create a strong online presence with SEO blog writing services in particular. Professional blog writing services help brands establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, improve their search engine performance and visibility and generate leads and sales.

Expert writers will collaborate closely with clients to understand their business and target market before producing high-quality blog content, consistent with their objectives and marketing strategy.

3. Web Content Writing Services


Web content writing involves writing for different websites to demonstrate their services or products to a target audience. Today, every company, large or small, competes with one another online to sell its products or services. The website should feature tailored and targeted content that simplifies its offerings and assists businesses in grabbing a larger number of potential buyers and eventually increasing sales with effective and converting Calls To Action (CTAs).

The content must be creatively written to draw in potential customers and follow the best SEO strategies to gain visibility where needed. Website content can be extremely versatile ranging from home page content to policy content and service or product page content.

Now more than ever web content writers need to understand the importance of engaging, high-quality web content for websites that are viewed on various devices. That’s why they should provide expert web content writing to help their clients attract and retain website visitors, enhance conversions, and leads, and establish credibility with their audience.

Additionally, web content writing services can be crucial in supporting key (sales) landing pages or service pages for particular marketing campaigns and the copy must be highly effective and converting, which requires skilled and experienced experts who have created such web content successfully in the past, which they ideally showcase in their portfolio.

4. Social Media Writing Services


One of the most effective ways to spread the word about services, products, and a brand is through social media. Additionally, it can be a fantastic way to drive traffic to websites, landing pages, and marketing campaigns.

However, often social media campaigns don’t achieve a high number of likes or shares and lack engagement. So, the copy in combination with the right hashtags and tags as well as visuals is key to achieving good results. This is the effectiveness of social media marketing done right: it can attract a far larger audience with targeted copy and management of the content.

Professionally designed social media posts using unique ideas can fire up a business presence on social networking sites. Creative content developed by experts for innovative social media posts can turn any marketing campaign around and impact SEO by driving more organic traffic via social media accounts to specific pages or posts. Talented social media content writers work within a client’s budget to create engaging social media content for their business and offer to manage this via social media management tools for example.

5. SEO Press Release Writing Services


If your business operates in the digital marketing and SEO industry, you must know what a press release is and how it can benefit your brand. Press releases are created to inform consumers of new updates and developments in a particular business or industry. Whenever a brand expands its business, signs new mergers, launches new products in the market, organises events, or opts for a marketing deal, press releases can be used for making announcements.

A press release has seen many changes, yet some brands still utilise them for their original purposes. Press releases are a component of branding and sales campaigns in modern digital media. As a result, the material should be focused on sales and marketing written for a small, medium, or large organisation. It should also engage readers on digital devices to increase the chances of triggering clicks to referenced websites or channels.

With the help of media release writing services, a client can collaborate with experienced press release writers who will optimise it for SEO. This is also called an SEO press release writing service. SEO press release writing services should include crafting or editing a press release and optimising it for search engines and the specific platforms or publications it is intended for. The traditional formatting of a press release should be considered, but primarily the release should be engaging, containing core keywords, quotations from spokespersons, and media like images, videos, or posts. This will boost brand recognition and attract potential clients to a business and have a positive ROI for the client.

Discover more about this content format here:


SEO Press Releases aka Media Releases vs. Traditional Press Releases – What’s the Best PR Format?

6. SEO Content Writing Services


Article content writing has been around since the first periodicals, newspapers, and magazines were published. However, it now covers a significant portion of the internet too.

This is where SEO content writing services come in. The writer offers to optimise content for search engines by researching and including relevant and effective keywords, using SEO strategies. The writing is mostly based on the keyword focus, but it must be effective to keep the reader interested and encourage them to engage with the content. The main goal for such content is to be ranked well on search engines to achieve more views and clicks.

SEO content writing services can benefit businesses and brands that produce all types of articles ranging from in-depth guides to list posts. Creating unique content that can boost a business’ SEO strategy to help them rank for long-tail, informative phrases, and keywords in top SERPs is a skill that many companies pay well for as it can generate a higher ROI.

7. Guest Post Writing Services


Guest posting is a beneficial strategy for brands trying to grow their reach, attract more potential clients and build their reputation. Businesses can enhance brand visibility and reach a larger audience by publishing content on reputable websites, magazines, and blogs in their niche or industry.

Guest post writing therefore requires some understanding and consideration of SEO and link building as writers should include backlinks to a target website strategically, following the requirements of the publisher. Done right, guest posts can boost a website’s search engine rankings, and increase traffic and brand awareness. This can ultimately lead to increased revenue and sales for the business.

Guest post-writing services should offer article writing that caters to the target audience on various platforms to get effective guest contributions published in reputable publications. A guest post should provide valuable information and insights for selected audiences to establish the business as experts. It should help brands to showcase their expertise and knowledge, which can boost credibility and trust with potential consumers.

Additionally, it should lead to the content and brands mentioned in it becoming household names in targeted niches that are being referenced by various sources on the internet.

Discover more about effective guest post writing and strategy here:


Successful SEO Copywriting Techniques For Guest Posts On Popular Blogs

Final thoughts

Content writing services are crucial for SEO and digital marketing as most businesses have an online presence today. Many content types can be created for a brand to establish a stronger reputation, drive more traffic and engagement, and establish a name in the market. Many businesses will choose to outsource the listed types of content writing as they can be time-consuming and often require specialist writing and SEO skills.

A content writer should therefore be able to offer a variety of content writing services such as the ones listed, which can achieve higher rates of pay through further specification and exclusivity. Every content writer can learn SEO, link building, and marketing skills through online courses such as those offered at SeekaHost University, which will help them stand out among other content writers and target high-profile businesses with specific requirements.

Expert Tips for Online Content Creators & Publishers using Blog Images – which are legal Images, and which are illegal?

Expert Tips for Online Content Creators & Publishers using Blog Images – which are legal Images, and which are illegal?

I’m only guessing this, but it seems the phrase “intellectual property” is rarely used in its right sense. Perhaps the only place where the word’s meanings are non-negotiable is the courtroom – but even there it is debatable!

As a blogger and web content creator and publisher, I’d prefer you understand IP law, and how it affects your use of internet sources such as images, from your home (and not the court).

So, I’ve compiled this guide to demystify these two words in combination with blog images and visual content in general. You ask why?

Well, having come across copyright infringement cases I want to pass on my experience, lessons, and research and share it with my blogger community to create more awareness of this complex and haunting topic.

You can also check out this post I’ve written and published on ClickDo’s Blog:

Ultimate Copyright Infringement Claim Guide for Webmasters & their Digital Content


IP and Copyright Law in the UK – what are legal Images?


Intellectual property law by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

If you’re a creator of content, this 322-page document is essential reading for you. It’s the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Then, there’s more. The following four acts also intersect with intellectual property laws in the UK.

  1. Trade mark act 1994
  2. Registered Designs Act 1949
  3. Video Recordings Act 2010
  4. Fraud Act 2006

Some disclaimers:

  • There’s no replacement for reading the entire activity on your own. Tedious; I totally understand.
  • Nothing you read on the Internet (this guide included) can replace contextual advice from an expert attorney or IP lawyer.
  • This guide is made to give you some curiosity and direction so that you can then discover the answers to your specific questions.

Given the abysmally low probability of the readership of this article consisting of legal minds, here is the “at a glance” version of UK Copyright and IP law:

  1. Within the UK, Copyrights are automatic in nature, which means that there is no protocol or formality needed to acquire them.
  2. Point number 1 also means that there is no central organization that handles the registration of your Copyrights. In short, if you are the creator of something, its copyrights will automatically rest with you.

For content publishers: as stated above, creators of images and artwork automatically receive copyright protection whether or not they apply for it, and it is also given to them whether or not they use the copyright symbol in their works or not.

[For people who use licensed images]: This translates to increased risks of copyright claims for users if they do not pay meticulous attention to what license their chosen images are billeted under (the safest license under which you can use images for your publications is the creative commons license).

Now, when it comes to creating content, in the UK, you are automatically covered.


How does the Copyright Act apply to Blog Images from the Internet?

Does copyright apply to the Internet-sourced images I use in my content? Short Answer: Yes.

To put it in simple terms, a copyright holder can release his/ her/ their works for public use with certain limitations imposed on how you can use those works.

Each limitation has a keyword, which is described below, including the restrictions it comes with. For example, a “Copying Restriction” prohibits you from copying the work in any form whatsoever, so it is for your personal use only.

The full restriction list can be found here:

# Imposed Limitation What this means for you Additional Reading
1 Copying The work is for your use only, and both electronic (e.g. scanning) and manual (e.g. tracing) forms of copying the copyrighted work are prohibited,
2 Copying Issues To The Public You cannot publish the work on any distributable material that you create.
3 Communicating The Work (To The Public) Basically the same limitation as “Copying Issues To The Public”, but with the add-on of you not being able to use such works with the internet, radio, TV, or other such distributive publications.
4 Performance You cannot use such protected works for public performance, and specifically for images, they cannot be displayed in exhibitions.
5 Rental, And Lending Restrictions The thing to note with the terms “renting” and “lending” is that renting is only done for profit. Under this restriction, you cannot rent, nor lend such protected works to anyone, for any reason. Governmental Renting And Lending: Artistic Limitations
6 Adaptation You cannot translate such protected works to another language, or adapt them in any way or form whatsoever. Thus, these works are for your use, “as is”.


Simply, under copyright law, without the owner’s permission, you cannot:

  1. Copy, Distribute, or Lend the work.
  2. Publicly display the work.
  3. Adapt the work.

If you want to find the owner of a copyright, you can check the British Copyright Council, but no copyright owner is obliged to register here so they still own the copyright to their work even if not listed here.

What are the Consequences of Violating the Copyright of Blog Images?

If you are found guilty of copyright infringement in a magistrate’s court, you could be fined up to 50,000 GBP, and could also be slapped with a jail term of up to six months. Yes, you read that right!

If the case reaches a Crown court, the fines are unlimited, and up to ten years in jail. I know, shocking!

Instances, where an entity pursued legal action for copyright in the UK, are:

If someone infringes upon copyrights, the administering organization/individual and/or the owner of the copyright have the right to file and pursue a claim to their copyright through the judiciary in the UK.

This often gets very expensive for the infringers, with them having to pay for the cost of using the image, their own legal fees, and the copyright owner’s legal fees, and all this can quickly amount to much more than the costs of using the image, to begin with.

To boot, infringers may also be asked to remove at their own cost all copies of the pre-licensed version of the copyrighted works from the public domain.


Exceptions To Copyright Law Protection

Under copyright law, without the owner’s permission, you can to a certain degree use the copyrighted material for

  1. Study (Private and/ or research) purposes.
  2. Performance of, copying, or lending the work for educational purposes.
  3. Reporting in the news (not for images though), and criticism.
  4. Recordings of any form of broadcast for consumption at a time more convenient to you. This entire process is formally known per pro as “Time Shifting”.
  5. Producing a backup or a copy for personal use (in terms of computer programs)

The doctrine of fair use by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

Where Can You Get Copyright-Free Legal Images?

This is the key question for all content creators, publishers, and bloggers and let me tell you, it’s not as easy as you think.

Read on!

Stock Image Websites

Where can you get copyright-free legal images online? The most obvious answer is – stock-photo websites. But you’ll soon find out that you’re still exposed to copyright-violation lawsuits, even for using images from a stock photo website.

What are stock photo websites?

These websites are an online library of images across various genres that can be sorted via keywords and tags. Most of them have been uploaded by photographers and graphic designers.

There is a huge collection of these images online, but you may be required to pay if you exceed a certain number of free images, etc.

Some websites are 100% free, while others require you to pay per image, or for unlimited use on a time-period basis.

Stock image websites mention what their images are licensed under usually in their policies. However, there are often exceptions and it is not always easy for users to determine the copyrights on the image and the restrictions, and where and how they are applicable.

These policies are often written in legal terms and are difficult to understand. It’s therefore best to only use platforms that clearly label each image they offer for free downloads with the copyright symbols which I’ve listed further down in this post.

Always check every single image’s licensing first before using it.

Having gone through many stock image website policies, I have found that these are the clearest in their licensing:

  1. Pexels
  2. Shutterstock
  3. pixabay
  4. Unsplash

Some licensed images on stock websites (most of them actually), will require attribution to the creator/owner of the image and it will say this where required in the license.

Note: I’ll cover different license types later in this guide.

Make your own legal Blog Images [Tool: Canva]

Seeing that copyright can become a true minefield for any blogger and content creator and publisher, I suggest creating copyright-free visuals using design tools yourself.

The prime example of such a tool would be Canva, a design tool for which all you need is a web browser and an internet connection.

You can use the design you create on Canva without worrying about copyright infringements on your published blog content, provided of course that you have not used copyrighted images or parts of copyrighted images in the design process, to begin with.

Note: This is a simplistic version of the answer to your question – whether you can use Canva’s library of free multimedia to create visuals that are copyright law-compliant. For a more detailed answer, refer to the official policy statement.

Generate legal Blog Images with AI [Tool: DALL·E 2]

You can also use Open AI’s DALL·E 2 to have artificial intelligence generate images for you.

Note: images made with DALL·E 2 are still the property of their parent company Open AI, but you are free to use (and sell) any images that you create with DALL·E 2 and keep the profits for yourself.

However, you should note that DALL·E 2 and open AI retain the rights to such images, and they may themselves choose to sell the images that you have asked the tool to create.

That said, any profit that you make from DALL·E 2, is yours to keep, without repercussion. Do check their policies, however, to be on the safe side.

Stock Photo Websites for Blog Images: Things To Remember

Which licenses let you use stock images for commercial purposes, with complete compliance with copyright laws? The answer is – a CC0 license.

  • Ideally, what you are looking for is a Creative Commons license, specifically a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
  • Quite literally, CC0 licenses allow you to do whatever you want with the images, whenever you want and as frequently as you want.
  • You can usually get “attribution required, free to use” or CC0-licensed images from stock websites.
  • Even if the use of an image is allowed to the public, you really want to read the fine print of the license that it falls under.
  • For example, “Free for non-profit” licenses are just that: free use only for nonprofit organizations.

Here is the “at a glance” information that you should know when using stock images.

  1. If you look at the subsections under their “information” tabs, most stock websites state that they absolve themselves from any copyright claims against images that you have gotten from their website in the first place, which is why it is super important to research the usage limitations and restrictions for photos posted on these websites. Again, it is best to look for CC0 or other creative commons licenses.
  2. You can also use stock images with the CC0 license to create images of your own with design tools. Just ensure you do not use copyrighted images (for which you do not have usage rights) in the designs.
  3. I have recently put together these content publishing guidelines for all our content creators and publishers: Content Publishing Guidelines | ClickDo™

Frequently Used Copyright Terms for Images

This section will quickly bring you up to speed on the language of copyright – it is really easy to get lost in the mix of copyright terms.

Here is a table that should help us decode the corporate jargon:

# Label Symbol Particulars of Label
1 Copyright copyright-law-symbol-for-online-content-creators This means that the owner or holder of the copyright will reserve all rights of the copyrighted work(s) under copyright law(s) and that the copyrighted work is free for fair use.
2 Creative Commons creative-commons-symbol-for-online-content-creators These works will have certain rights under copyright law(s) withheld, and these will be clearly communicated. These works frequently appear with the tag of “Some rights reserved”, and always require attribution to the creator. It is important to note that such licensed works can have their usage rights changed after you use the image.
3 Public Domain public-domain-symbol-for-online-content-creators The copyright owner has waived all his, or their rights and claims on the image, and you can modify, copy, and even distribute the work to the public domain, even if such use is intended for commercial purposes.
4 Fair Use fair-use-symbol-for-online-content-creators This case is exclusive of public domain image libraries, Creative Common licensed images, and stock image websites. Per the 4-factor test (purpose, nature, amount, and effect), you may find yourself able to use such images under the fair use case policy of copyrighted work(s).


Identifying Copyright Holders of Blog Images

In the case where you cannot identify which individual holds a copyright, here are some steps you can take:

  1. A WHOIS search: If the image you are looking at has been posted by the owner of the website where said image appears, then a WHOIS search will reveal the contact data of the website owner, and by extension, of the copyright holder.
  2. You can also right-click the image, and then select “search Google for this image” in the drop-down menu. This will display a results page with all the websites that have the same image on them, possibly helping in tracing the copyright holder for that image. Bear in mind, that the copyright owner is not legally required to mark their images on the internet as copyright protected.
  3. You may also consult a private copyright registry, of which several are named in annex one of this report published by WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization).
  4. If you can find the owner of an image, but no contact details for the copyright holder, you could try looking up the following organizations, because there is a good chance that the copyright holder is a part of them:
  5. BAPLA (The British Assn. Of Picture Libraries and Agencies)
  6. The PLUS Registry
  7. DACS (The Design And Artists Copyright Society)
  8. If you find an image online for which you have no license information, assume that it is protected under copyright law.


Properly Attributing a Blog Image: A Guide

If you decide to use an image that requires attribution, again, ensure you have the right to use it before you credit the creator/copyright owner. Because they can easily track each image published online that is tagged with their name and identify any copyright infringement easily.

  1. Copy the URL (link) of the image and note the name of the creator/photographer.
  2. Add image attributions to the image title tag itself (wherever you use the image in your blog) as well as to image alt tags.
  3. Also, include the creator’s name as a caption for the image. You can also do this as a note at the end of the blog.
  4. It is always a sound idea to reach out to the copyright owner and tell them how you plan to use their image. You can begin the message by thanking the creator for making the image available under the creative commons license.
  5. To preserve the image quality, try to use embedded codes to display the image.

Terms and Conditions of Legal Images: The Fine Print

  1. DALL·E: The parent company, Open AI reserves the right to have works reviewed by third-party contractors, and if the service is used through labs. open, then credits bought on labs must be used within one year from the date of purchase, or else they will expire.
  2. Wikipedia: Wikipedia has washed its hands of any images that you find on Wikipedia by saying that “They cannot guarantee information validity”. This is why it is imperative to verify the license that even            Wikimedia commons images come under before using them.
  3. Creative Commons 2: Even CC2.0 licenses on sites like Flickr redirect you to this page on the CC website, which basically says the images are for non-commercial usage only.

The Snapshot

Exhausted? I know. Welcome to the legal desert that sucks you in and dries you out. But as a content creator, publisher, and blogger, you need to understand what you’re dealing with, especially if you offer your content publishing and digital PR services including images, screenshots, logos, etc. to clients. I hope this guide helps you to not become a victim of copyright infringement claims as they are not pleasant.

In my view, the internet should be a place where we can all share resources that we make publicly available sensibly. Anyone who’s not happy to have their content shared, should not publish it in the first place or ensure that it is clearly labeled or protected from copying. I, therefore, recommend every blogger and content creator create their own images, graphics, and designs where possible to save themselves from such headaches. This will also benefit your branding and make your content more unique, which will help it rank better on search engines.

More Important Resources and Useful Links if you fancy

  1. The UK Government’s Page On Copyrights of “Orphan Works”
  2. The Authors’ Licensing & Collecting Society
  3. The UK Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)
  4. The Design And Artists Copyright Society (DACS)
  5. BAPLA (The British Assn. Of Picture Libraries And Agencies)
  6. NLA Media Access (For Journalism)
  7. Publishers Licencing
How to Build an Effective Online Resume Portfolio or CV Website as a Copywriter

How to Build an Effective Online Resume Portfolio or CV Website as a Copywriter

For copywriter cubs finding their way in an online jungle filled with competitors with fiercely ferocious appetites for digital notoriety, fear not!

In this post, I will guide you through the intricate ins and outs of resume or CV portfolio websites and how to not only create a copywriter website portfolio that brings pride to your profession. But also, how to formulate its highly optimisable appeal as a digital framework for imprinting the journey of your professional prowess much to the delight of prospective recruiters or online service seekers.

My copywriter website portfolio insights invite you to explore the purpose and value of resume portfolio and CV websites while shedding light on social media strategies you can adopt to vitalise your virtual visibility for eager online onlookers.

Are you a copywriter looking to build your online resume portfolio and CV website repertoire?


You’ve come to the right place!

From steps to purchasing an affordable website domain to helpful hints about sourcing an effective content management system to carry your portfolio website content for showcasing, my copywriter website portfolio tips are your go-to guide to online CV and portfolio perfection.

Furthermore, to help boost your online persona and optimise your marketability potential, I will share valuable resources and tactful SEO and digital PR tips you can use to improve platform performance for your copywriter website portfolio.

Traditional Portfolios/CVs & Their Digital Transition

As a direct result of the technological strides reached since the dawn of the digital revolution, the digital door to producing a prospective online persona through your online portfolio swings wide open to meet your professional objectives.

By identifying and isolating the key characteristics encompassing the general nature of traditional portfolios and their intended purpose, copywriters can swiftly accommodate the shift towards meeting the digitised demand for resume portfolios and CV websites.

What is an Online Portfolio or CV Website?

As a career-facing framework fashioned to support the contextual composition of a CV, a portfolio is a collection of information and material that gives visual examples of a person’s professional skills and experience through website links, illustrations, photographs, &/or videos as proof of their professional capabilities.

Generally giving employers an idea of the quality of a person’s work and interests, portfolios are a substantially effective means of showcasing someone’s professional abilities and skills rather than merely describing them.

As such, coining on their credibility, it’s common practice for experienced professionals and creatives to consistently keep their portfolios updated with the latest career-building exemplars of their skills and masterpieces, which is best done online via a website.

In contrast to the outdated hard-copy printed portfolios of the past, nowadays, professionals from across the board (i.e., copywriters, architects, photographers, artists, designers, developers, etc.) use online portfolios and CVs when digitally displaying their skills and proven experience.

In my case, you can often find new blog posts about new aspects of my work as an online media and PR strategist and content writer. This way I keep my readers and anyone potentially looking for my services up to date about my expertise, work projects, and knowledge.


Furthermore, in curbing their insatiable quench for first-hand exemplifications of your excellence, recruiters and corporate collaborators now place higher demands for resume portfolio websites as professional accompaniments to digital resumes.

The Significance of Digitising Your Traditional Portfolio or CV

Fine-tuned to appeal to your career-climbing potential in the field of copywriting, the intended purpose of resume portfolio and CV websites is to virtually eternalise your work accomplishments and develop your professional online persona in perfectly presented ways. As a result, to the delight of hiring managers, online visitors getting a glimpse at your copywriter website portfolio can join the technological trail tracing your masterful movements from the onset of your career journey.

According to statistical resume research findings from Careerbuilder, 16% of recruiters look for links to personal blogs, portfolios, or websites, making the online resume route more accommodating in meeting this digital demand.

Furthermore, with 71.6% of resume errors coming from the miscommunication of skills on a resume, having an online portfolio or CV in contrast to a traditional hard-copy variant allows you to make quick corrections to any oversights or errors on your site from the get-go.


Source: 2022 HR Statistics: Job Search, Hiring, Recruiting & Interviews (zety.com)

The potential at this point for positioning you towards your next big gig or collaborative freelance project is more partial to your opting for an online portfolio platform over a more traditional version. This digital practice gives you swifter editorial control and more creative freedom for quick fixes and occasional updates, regardless of the modification scope.

5 Benefits of Creating a Resume Portfolio Website

The very nature of online portfolios and CVs and their prosperous professional positioning completely dispels the notion that they’re industry specific. Open to varying fields of networks and niches nowadays, resume portfolio websites have fast become exceedingly important in the ever-expanding corporate sector than ever before.

Using the potential to increase your visibility and online presence to your advantage, creating a copywriter portfolio or CV website will digitally showcase your work to captivate the interest of companies you’d like to work for, making accessibility for them quick and convenient.

Five benefits of creating an online portfolio include:

1. Exemplifying the Experience and Skills Listed in your Digital Resume/CV:

As an authentically comprehensive and original reflection of your personality and creativity, an online portfolio digitally showcases individualised demonstrations of your copywriting consistency in different dynamic and impactful ways.

2. Freedom of Flexibility:

With just a simple click, creating an online portfolio or CV to showcase your copywriting material has never been this easy! Allowing you to quickly and conveniently carry out effortless edits and updates at any given time, having a digital portfolio as your online canvas also gives you the freedom to track your site visitors and views via popular web analytics tools like ​​Google Analytics (which can be accessed via the SeekaPanel where I host my websites).


Furthermore, once you’ve settled on your ​​chosen design, layout, and added copy, you can showcase visual representations of your proven talents through added media (i.e., images, videos, audio clips, graphs, etc.). While free to constantly create new content and include web link additions on your resume portfolio or CV website, you’re also at liberty to improve its multimedia elements to demonstrate the luminous leaps in your learning process. I recommend adding social media posts related to your work for example, but you can also link to clients for example, if they’re OK with that. This can help to drive direct traffic to your portfolio website.

3. Enshrining Your Evolving Professional Body of Work for Visitors to Track:


In contrast to traditional portfolios, digital portfolios offer more creative and innovative ways of instantly showcasing and sharing your unique brand, experience, and expertise with people situated anywhere in the world. Building a copywriter portfolio or CV website will plant a professionally polished seed rooted in sprouting your work history and tracking significant milestones achieved throughout your career.

4. Making First Impressions Count:

When wanting to assess the work you’ve accumulated, targeted companies or industry professionals of interest will more likely click on your portfolio or CV website link in your email signature or on your online resume. As such, when looking to make a lasting impression, it’s not too much of an ask to stunningly feature your work samples &/or links and recommendations in memorable ways to give you that extra edge over your copywriter competitors.

5. Facilitating the Optimisation of Your Visibility and Online Presence:


Covered later in greater detail, search engine optimisation (SEO) is an incrementally advantageous traffic-generating tactic for maximising online searchability and visibility. Adopting well-orchestrated SEO techniques and strategies can increase your online visibility and presence through web searches of your name or professional copywriting brand.

Ready to creatively conjure up an impressive online portfolio capable of taking your personalised professional persona to new heights?

Not so fast! Before setting up your professional copywriter portfolio or CV website, you must first carry out the delicate process of registering a domain in your brand name and selecting a website builder.

Top Tips For Registering a Portfolio or CV Website Domain


A domain name is an address visitors type into their browser address bar to arrive at your website. To make it a lot easier for recruiters to find you, registering a domain name ensures that you reap the benefits of having a professional online presence.

Depending on the chosen domain name extension, HostGator ranges the price of an average domain name between $10-$12 and SeekaHost offers the most popular .com domain extension, which I have chosen for a more international reach, starting from $5.99.

Although there’s always the option of choosing a free domain for your digital CV or portfolio, most professionals prefer to purchase theirs with a trusted registrar to ensure the domain name is registered in their name and can be extended whenever required.

Five Factors to consider before buying your Portfolio or CV Website Domain

Before buying your domain, keep these five core factors in mind:

  1. Carefully Assess Your Domain Structure: Consisting of a prefix (https), a subdomain (www), the website’s name, and an extension (.com, .org, .net, etc.), the structure of your chosen domain name is critical, as it needs to look and sound good. Always make sure you choose the one that best fits your professional persona.
  2. Apply the KISS Rule of Thumb: Ideally, domain names are short, memorable, and easily spelled. So, in the politest way possible, “Keep It Simple, S
  3. Keyword Quintessentials: With your shortlist of possible domain names jotted down for you to consider when researching their availability online, always try incorporating consequential keywords in your copywriter brand and domain name for better search engine rankings.
  4. Dire Domain Name Don’ts: As it is, unmemorable underscores used in social media handles are hard enough to recall, and the same principle applies to domain names. So, to effectively manage the recollections of your virtual visitors, by any means necessary, avoid using unusual symbols or hyphens that can easily be incorrectly spelled and fly over someone’s head, as this will limit your domain name searchability potential.
  5. Pay Extra Attention to Your Extension: Ensure that you put considerable thought into your domain name extension, keeping factors like your copywriting brand, purpose/function, and geographical location (i.e., .co.uk for the United Kingdom) top of mind.

Ready to purchase a domain name for your copywriter website portfolio-in-process?

ICANN is a non-profit organisation that oversees the entire system of domain names, allowing outside companies known as domain registrars (i.e., GoDaddy, Bluehost, SeekaHost, and Domain.com) to



sell and manage domain names. Once you’ve decided on your chosen domain name, you can undergo standard purchasing protocols facilitated via correspondence with the domain registrar of your choosing.

No matter which domain you end up choosing (.uk, .co.uk, .com, or .net), finding these domains with SeekaHost is fast, easy, and affordable. In Britain, you will only have to invest roughly £4, making SeekaHost’s online offering one of the most cost-effective prices across the UK.

To register your chosen domain name, ICANN requires your contact information, including your name, phone number, physical address, and email address. Having purchased and registered the available domain name of your choosing, you’re now one step closer to crafting the copywriter portfolio or CV of your career dreams.

With a popular content management system (CMS) like WordPress and its quick one-click installer ready to host your professional resume portfolio or CV website, the digital journey to creating your bespoke site has just begun.

How to Create a Resume Portfolio Website With WordPress

An optimal online force to be reckoned with, WordPress has been revered as the fastest-growing CMS platform since 2012.

Holding a majority share in the market, WordPress has substantial stature as a widely-used CMS tool, with various WordPress facts and stats accrediting the popular web hosting platform for powering 64.1% of all sites that use a CMS.

Vital to the success of your professional copywriting platform, following crucial steps to hosting a domain name and creating a WordPress website will jumpstart your journey towards developing an optimisable resume portfolio or CV website of premium quality.

The video below demonstrates just how quick and easy it is to add your domain name to your WordPress hosting via SeekaHost’s WordPress Control Panel:

Selecting an appropriate WordPress theme is also a key component to effectively encapsulating the visually exquisite appeal of your unique copywriter brand via your copywriter website portfolio.

Below are examples of some of the most popular WordPress themes out there today:

When it comes to the necessary copywriting material intended for inclusion on your resume portfolio or CV website, charismatic content plays a crucial part in pairing the principles of your online professional persona with your desired project outcomes.

Why Resume Portfolio Website Content is King

Are you a copywriter with specialised services for companies operating in niche-specific sectors?

Well, you’ll be thrilled to know that you can tailor your copywriter website portfolio content accordingly to meet the interests of potential companies of interest in fields best aligned with your specialised skillset and services.

If you’re a freelance copywriter looking to earn extra income, below are a few suggestions on what field-related copywriting services to add to your resume portfolio website:

  1. SEO Writing
  2. Cover Letter Writing
  3. Blog Writing
  4. Event Marketing Writing
  5. Biography or Memoir Writing
  6. Scriptwriting
  7. Annual Report Writing
  8. eBook Writing
  9. Technical Writing
  10. Ghostwriting
  11. Business Plan & Proposal Writing

There are plenty of industry-specific fields with a high demand for copywriters to break into with countless more for you to mirror by modifying your portfolio website content, accordingly, offering your specialised services to targeted company niches of interest.

Do you have active social media accounts with a fair number of followers already viewing your content?

Then why not take your copywriter website portfolio content to the next level of online notoriety by sharing it on your socials to maximise your reach?

Here’s how …

Social Media & Your Copywriter Website Portfolio: A Synchronised Recipe for Success


American businessman Warren Buffet, aka one of the most successful investors in the world, couldn’t have phrased his famously impactful quote any better when he said:

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Building a social media following reinforces your online reputation and can influence the social media marketing strategy for your digital copywriting material in substantially expansive ways.

Social media provides a plethora of possibilities in the realm of online networking. Giving you access to key decision-makers and professional peers, most of whom are contactable via popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media provides a platform to help expand your resume portfolio website’s reach.

As such, it’s always best to keep a squeaky-clean online image, always remembering to present an admirable, wholesome, and respectable digital persona reflective of your core values and passion for your copywriting craft.

Social media cannot merely open many windows of opportunity for your career in copywriting. It also allows you to establish and build a professional rapport with people of interest in personable ways. So, wherever possible, always keep your online portfolio content circulating on your socials, especially if you’re no stranger to constant content updates made to your online portfolio.

Now, with your copywriter portfolio or CV website content in full swing on your socials, it’s time to level up your site’s searchability potential through tactful SEO strategies you can quickly adapt to meet your digital PR objectives.

How to Improve Your Resume Portfolio Website’s Performance with SEO

As an online marketing approach used to garner online awareness towards a targeted audience, the prospective principles of digital public relations (digital PR) are not to be overlooked when illuminating your online notoriety agenda.

Digital PR is valuable because it introduces your digital portfolio material to an array of new target audiences via search engine results pages and advertorial placements featured on popular sites relating to your specific copywriting niche.

With modern-day digital PR introducing various methods for measuring site metrics, optimising online searchability for your resume portfolio website has never been this pivotal. So be sure to get your head in the game by learning specialised SEO techniques to drive traffic and measure conversion to your site. SeekaHost University offers you an e-learning platform for honing your digital marketing skills, which will come in handy as you begin to set sail on your site’s SEO success.

To get your creative juices flowing to inspire how you digitally showcase your way with words, I’ve compiled a list of five top-tier digital portfolio or CV websites you can use as proven examples of online excellence.

Hopefully, these examples will help unleash your professional potential when incorporating various elements showcasing your unique style and innovative aesthetic in your copywriter website portfolio.

5 Effective Copywriter Website Portfolio Examples

Given the massive scope of masterful copywriting masterpieces circulating cyberspace, several excellently executed copywriting portfolio examples exist today. Trust me when I say that narrowing down the extensive list to reach my top five copywriter website portfolios was no easy feat.

Basing my selection on a set of criteria involving design, layout, copy material, added media, information accessibility, A-grade client history, optimised searchability, user-friendliness, and navigational ease of effort, below are five exquisite and somewhat unusual examples of prolific online copywriter portfolios to inspire you:

1. Jose Benitez



In his digital portfolio homepage, Jose takes both simple and straightforward to the extremes. Jose has the comedic copy to thank, which makes it work.

Jose’s digital portfolio illustrates his personable appeal through the subtle slapstick undertones written in bold white letters against a black background on his homepage. Accompanied by a “scroll down to see blood, sweat and tears” call-to-action accompanied by a sarcastically written button prank featured at the bottom of the page.

Who wouldn’t feel compelled to scroll down further with an icebreaker like that?



Giving visitors some time to digest his opening statement, they later get to visually discover the wonders of Jose’s work via the eye-catching colors and animated plates featured further down in his digital portfolio.

2. Dan Rozier


Dan Rozier

In contrast to the above example, the copywriter has adopted a different homepage strategy altogether. Rather than showcasing glimpses of his works, Dan shares some personal notes, messages, quotes, and photos in a chaotically cluttered fashion all around the page.

Generally, because of the great sense of humor shared amongst most copywriters, this comical display appeals to the inwardly “all over the place” nature of copywriters and their craft. What’s appealing about Dan’s homepage is that it also speaks to an expanded spectrum of online visitors who can relate to the organised messes we experience from time to time, having the potential to catch the gaze of new prospective clientele.

Perfectly categorising his many projects through the prominent world-class client titles listed on his sidebar, it’s instantly clear that Dan is the real deal. If visitors aren’t convinced, his featured collaborative commercial work with famed Hollywood actor Ben Affleck should do just the trick.



3. Aly J. Yale



Maneuvering slightly away from merit, nowadays, people prefer to choose everything based on recommendations, which must be the central motivating factor for Aly’s digital copywriter portfolio.

As you land on the homepage, you discover a list of newspapers and websites Aly writes for, including big-time businesses like Forbes and Yahoo! the minimalistic design and color scheme also adds a nice touch to the straightforward structure of Aly’s site.

4. Davina Van Buren



Digital nomad Davina Van Buren is more than a traveling freelancer. She is a Journalist, Content Marketing Strategist, and Brand Development Partner – you go, girl!

Each of Davina’s occupations has a separate page with links to samples of her work.

There is also an impressive list of clients represented by company logos featured further down on her homepage. The white, grey, and teal accents also support the professional prestige of her online portfolio, adding to the polished look of Davina’s site.

5. Manuela Willbold



For my online portfolio, I chose the WordPress Theme Divi that I had customized with a visually user-friendly interactive layout fine-tuned for simplistic scrolling, making the platform easy on the eye for any visitor to quickly navigate.

The compassionable photo in the header and the concise opening statement draws visitors in and gives way to seamless scrolling, directing them to their preferred section of interest.



I present my work with written and visual content and provide links to my work sources so that visitors can explore it all with one click. Additionally, I provide pages that showcase more information about the services I offer. At the tail-end of my online portfolio website, where I’ve shared my contact form, I demonstrate a fundamental factor that converts visitors into customers.



There’s no point in having a stunning copywriter website portfolio if there’s no way of contacting you. So, detail your contact information and add CTAs to encourage visitors to get in touch with you and build a relationship.


Transitioning from putting together traditional portfolios, nowadays considered an obsolete professional practice, the digital dawning of online portfolios has taken the world of project procurement to soaringly new heights.

Copywriter portfolio and CV websites demonstrate your personality, ingenuity, creativity, brevity, and literacy and can propel your copywriting career status toward colossal online credibility, much like the examples presented above.

Copywriter website portfolios are precious pieces of marketing material in the digital PR landscape and in themselves are a reflection of your copywriter’s work. A copywriter portfolio or CV website detailing your talents and services is a vital prerequisite for gaining trust and creating long-term value by gradually building your online reputation and brand over time, ultimately paving the way for you to land your next big copywriting gig and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

It’s now easier than ever to find an affordable website domain and web hosting accompanied by reliable marketing resources and helpful WordPress tutorials with SeekaHost and other providers. Through this process, you can quickly and openly distribute content on social media, optimise your site using strategic SEO tactics to increase web traffic, and expand your professional network pool to ensure your career’s longevity.

If you require any further support with your copywriter portfolio or CV website, get in touch with me and I’ll be more than happy to help.

Successful SEO Copywriting Techniques For Guest Posts On Popular Blogs

Successful SEO Copywriting Techniques For Guest Posts On Popular Blogs

Want to know the one word that makes humans powerful? It’s – networking.

Guest blogging is as close as it comes to networking online for copywriters and digital marketers and at ClickDo Ltd. we use it constantly to grow our blogs and websites and rank them higher on search engines.

However, it’s not easy to get your guest content published on reputed platforms and often people write poor copy, stick a backlink in and think that’s off-page SEO done and dusted to boost their domain authority and search engine ranks.

But it’s not just about the link building here, it’s also about being strategic with your guest content and applying proven SEO copywriting techniques effectively.

What is the Power of Guest Blogging?

If you manage to land a guest post on a high-profile website or even established magazine or newspaper, it can truly give your author profile and website a massive boost on search engines. See some examples of guest posts I have curated that increased our ranks here:

Edu Gorilla Magazine: Top 7 Ways to be in control of your kids online safety

Careers Help Magazine: Why Choose a Career Path with Digital Skills?

Entrepreneur.com Magazine: 5 Strategies to Build an Online Portfolio for Business Performance Success

Many of these guest posts along with infographic submissions have enabled me to rank this blog, manuelawillbold.com as well as other websites and blogs, like the UK Education Blog, in top positions on search engines like Google (snapshot was taken 04/10/20):There are two types of guest bloggers

But guest posts and press releases or success stories have other benefits too apart from influencing a website’s SEO.

They can also drive direct traffic to your website you have interlinked or mentioned in your post, which enables you to reach a wider readership you may not get exposed to otherwise. See how on the day that the Digital Entrepreneurship Story I wrote and submitted to Home Business Magazine, which has over 100k monthly traffic worldwide, drove double the amount of visitors and tripled my pageviews I normally get to my blog (screenshot from my SeekaHost App Hosting Control Panel):


You can clearly see the impact in this example.

Another aspect I want to mention is that through guest blogging you increase the chances of other bloggers or writers referencing you as well as they may come across your information more frequently or from sources they refer to more often. My article about Geography Apps was mentioned in a list post on this website for example, without me asking for it:https://bestappsfinder.com/best-geography-app.

So, if you create high-value content that is SEO optimised and share it across the web, you will certainly see the rewards as people find it on search engines and reference it.

How to go about successful Guest Blogging & SEO Copywriting?

How do I get my guest posts published? Read on and you’ll find out.

There are two types of guest bloggers:

  1. those who aimlessly use the same pitch for every blog offering guest posts, and
  2. those who send out a personalized pitch depending on the blog.

Don’t be the former.

Doing your research first is key. As you can see in my examples above, I check out relevant guest posting sites first via SEO analytics tools to find out their domain authority (DA), domain rating (DR) and their monthly traffic worldwide or country-specifically, depending on what my goal is for the guest post.

To see an impact, I would recommend going for sites with a DA of at least 20+, ideally between 30-60, where you may get free publications. For sites with higher DA’s you will likely have to pay a publication fee, but it can be a worthy investment, if you get the content, the link placements and the media materials right.

Once you get the approval for your email guest post pitch (tip: make it short and sweet and relevant for the guest posting site’s audience), you should follow their editorial guidelines and craft your article carefully. Check out this ClickDo guide on all the secrets for a successful outreach campaign:

How to Create A Perfect Pitch & Test Your Guest Post or Press Release Outreach Campaigns?

Your diligence while writing a guest post for a blog will ensure a flow of opportunities from similar high traffic sites. This, in turn, will increase the viewership on your website but only if you follow these SEO copywriting techniques compiled to put you in the running with the rest of the successful bloggers.

If you consider these, you should be able to get your guest posts published with the ultimate SEO advantages.

1. Understand the Blog’s Unique Voice

Understand the blog's unique voiceYou would have obviously found blogs related to your niche, but have you noticed the unique voice of different blogs? Understanding this is your best bet for creating high-quality content. That’s how you make the editorial team of the blog like you.

Take some time to read through the recent blogs posted on the website and pay attention to the tone. Check if it is friendly and creative or straightforward and to the point.

Once you’ve understood the voice of the blog, begin writing, and you’ll have multiplied your prospects of being published. Websites with heavy traffic also get a number of guest posts and their filtering process is primarily based on what’s best for their blog.

Give them what they resonate with and try to find the person in charge and email them directly with a concise pitch that is relevant for them.

2. Submission Guidelines are your Cheat Sheet

Submission guidelines are your cheat sheetIf you’ve been blogging for a while, you’d know that blogs that accept guest posts have a set of submission guidelines and reading through it will make all the difference.

Check out HubSpot’s submission guidelines or the London Business News guidelines to understand the expectations the editorial team has from guest bloggers. The guidelines will give you an idea of the prerequisites and standards for guest posting on that particular blog.

Ensure your writing reflects every guideline listed by the blog and when placing your backlinks, be considerate and strategic according to your blogging link building strategy. Most publications ask to avoid so called “link stuffing” and will only allow maybe 2-3 links, which should be relevant for what you cover. You should also research your anchor text (the text you use to add your hyperlink), which should contain relevant keywords you want to rank the page or article you interlink with for. Otherwise you are wasting this opportunity especially with regards to SEO.

See one example here from the Career Path article mentioned earlier:


The link circled in green is a reference link so readers can check the study mentioned, the highlighted link in yellow is a relevant ClickDo article with a similar title and the link circled in red is a backlink to this page on the UK Education Blog that I want to rank higher on search engines: https://education.clickdo.co.uk/work-online-in-education/. The backlinks you add need to provide value and should provide additional information.

3. Write for the Blog’s Readership

Write for the blog's readershipThis is one of the most important points, so pay close attention.

The blog you hope to guest post for will have a specific audience and catering to them must be your priority. Most guest post guidelines insist you must write for your readers first but if your writing fails to intrigue the main readership then your effort will circle down the drain.

It is wise to remember that a guest post is first read by the blog’s viewers, so mould your writing to appeal not just to your readers but the blog’s as well. Bear in mind that they do not know you nor your expertise and showcase this in your guest article in a way that will be of interest to them.

If you get them hooked, they are more likely to check out your website and follow you on social media for example.

4. A List Blog gets the most Attention

Readers are only after quick information that they can skim through without delving too much into the details. This is why list posts are a real money maker in the blogging industry. If you need a better idea of how list posts work, give Listverse a read.

Your secret to SEO copywriting success is in the form of short sentences with valid information in bullet points, using relevant keywords repeatedly, but in different ways. This is what makes most readers stick around until the end of the blog. If you’ve paid attention to the first three techniques, then curating a list post will not only be easy but also help you stand out from the rest.

At ClickDo we also use list posts successfully on the blogs I manage or as guest post submissions as you can see here:

Top 20 Co-Living Places in London for great Networking

Top 35 Canary Wharf Restaurants: Best Places to Eat & Drink After Work

27 Best Eco-friendly Products And Gifts In The UK In 2022

Such posts are more likely to achieve higher ranks on search engines as they cover many keywords in a very structured manner. They will also attract more enquiries to have a mention added in them from businesses or agencies. Because if the post is like a review and ranks well in SERPs that will benefit them, they may offer you a guest post or mention on their site in return.

5. Quality and Quantity go hand in hand

Quality and Quantity go hand in handYou may have noticed websites stressing on the need for quantity when it comes to guest posting but the quality is what will ensure their shelf life.

Guest posting is known to be the best way of gaining viewers and your motto should be quality with quantity. To begin with quality, you must strike a balance between what you want to talk about and what your viewers want to learn.

Once you manage to produce purely relevant content that gets a wide viewership you can move on to quantity. On average you should be able to put out a minimum of 2 to 3 posts every week with a word count of at least 800+. Writing strong pieces of content on a regular basis will help you stay on top of your game.

The more you write, the more you will be read but only if your content maintains a high standard.

6. Use an Article Closing Strategy

Use an Article Closing StrategyThe main agenda towards guest posting is to gain referral traffic and many rely on their bios for that which is a huge mistake. A marketing strategist Gregory Ciotti recognized ‘byline blindness’ as a common issue among readers of popular blogs.

The Internet is filled with guest posts which have led to readers overlooking who has written the blog. Even you must have read a dozen blogs without even noticing the name of the author.

The main danger here is that you might not get any traffic your way, making the guest post worthless. Ciotti formulated a 3-step article closing strategy to overcome this problem.

He advises three elements that you should include in your guest post namely:

  • closing subheadings

  • questioning the readers, and

  • using a call to action.

Your first step is closing subheadings, which means you need to make your conclusion obvious. This can be done by using phrases like ‘Now it’s your turn’ or ‘The ball is in your court’. The next thing is to interact with your readers and ask them questions related to your post. Your final step is to place a CTA (call of action) to ensure your readers make their way to your site.

All you have to do is keep at it, the more content you send out, the more views will come your way. If you’re a blogger in the education niche, then you can reach out to some selected education blogs accepting guest posts you can find here:

Top 15 Education and Student Blogs accepting your Guest Post

If you’re a student blogger or finance/frugal lifestyle blogger, check these blogs out for possible guest blogging gigs:

15 Top Student Finance Blogs in the UK

I want to help bloggers with their guest blogging and am in the process of building blogger communities where guest posts with valuable blogging tips or success stories can be shared:

The Bloggers Exchange Blog

Blogger Tipps und Tricks Blog

You can talk to me about guest blogging and online directory websites for setting up additional blogger profiles with links – I am more than happy to help any blogger out there and offer guest posting opportunities and advice.

How to Create a Blog Post Google Will Send Many Readers to?

How to Create a Blog Post Google Will Send Many Readers to?

In today’s digital world, it has become challenging to write blog articles that make it to the top on search engines.

Blogging consistently and writing an engaging post that not only ranks on search engines but attracts huge traffic is a hard nut to crack.

According to research, blogs where posts are consistently going up, are 13% more likely to rank higher in the search results than the websites that update blogs once or twice a month. And you can find 100 prime examples of famous UK bloggers that have managed to reach the top with not just one but many articles.

So, how can you become a Top Blogger ranking at the Top of Google?

How to Write a Blog PostWhat are some exclusive blog writing techniques that can help you take your site to the top of the search engines?

If you are searching for the answers, you have come to the right place! In this post, we’ll discuss the ways you can boost your organic traffic and search engine rankings by writing a compelling and exceptional blog. Read on.

  • Optimize your Site for Search Engines

This is no longer an era where you can write a blog post on any topic, insert keywords, upload images, and expect your content to get great exposure. If you want your blog to get ranked on the first page of search engines, you need to do some hard work.

Today, people often employ two major strategies for blogging:

  1. On-page Site Optimization
  2. Off-page Optimization

On-page SEO involves:

  • keyword research with reliable SEO tools,
  • meta-description containing rankable keywords,
  • image ALT text containing keyword variations,
  • headers & sub headers containing keyword variations,
  • bullet points/clear paragraphs,
  • and everything that makes your article unique and engaging and relevant for what your potential readers are looking for.

Watch this recording of how the #1 SEO consultant Fernando Raymond and I published a comprehensive guide of nearly 2000 words on the WordPress blog university.seekahost.com, applying all the listed on-page SEO strategies and tips step by step:

This is the most popular yet common way of allowing the search engine’s spiders to crawl your website and index it.

Off-page SEO involves:seo-strategies-and-techniques-for-bloggers-to-reach-top-in-serps

With billions of active blogs on the internet, it gets quite difficult for new bloggers to get their content on top of the search results. Therefore, they start blogging, sweet pitching, guest posting, and cross-promotion techniques to generate quality backlinks from other authority sites.

You can learn more about content marketing techniques like business listings, guest posting opportunities and press release services I offer through SEO consultancy ClickDo in these articles:

Top 10 Blogs UK Businesses should be featured for PR & Marketing

24 Must-Know Link Building Methods for 2022

However, you cannot expect Google to rank your blog in the first ten search results unless you write a compelling and well-written blog post to start with. Content quality and comprehensiveness as well as relevancy are key indicators Google uses to rank websites according to their latest search quality evaluator updates and guidelines.

  • Use the right SEO Writing Strategies

Sure, people use paid advertising techniques to drive more traffic to their pages. But the problem is paid methods don’t encourage organic traffic generation through organic search results.

Research suggests that roughly 70 to 80 percent of bloggers don’t use paid search services at all. They totally rely on the on-page SEO tactics to drive traffic to their website. Fortunately, these strategies work for them. You don’t need any paid ads if you manage to master the on-site SEO optimization. SEO content writing is the only possible way of generating organic traffic and genuine leads. The question is what on-page actually includes?

  • Optimizing your blog for search engines using keywords, meta-data, and multimedia content (such as videos, images, infographics, charts, and etc.).seo-content-writing-for-high-google-ranks
  • Writing a detailed blog on the given topic.
  • Answering as many questions of the audience as possible through your blog post, adding most searched for keywords.
  • Providing your audience with an accurate solution to their problems.
  • Keeping the engagement of your visitors by structuring your content effectively.

That’s it! You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get organic traffic. Instead, a compelling blog post that solves customer’s problems is enough to get your website on the first page of the search results, if you can also get some good backlinks for it with related anchor texts. It is worth to note that SEO friendly web content focuses on visitors rather than search engines and I’d suggest you also test alternative search engines to Google for keywords for your blog post.

Write a detailed and well-structured Blog Post

how to structure a blogA compelling blog post is something that everyone loves to read.

You create a blog, select a theme, add content to it, upload media like images or videos, and carry out the necessary SEO strategies. But you still don’t get the search results you want? The reason can be a boring post that seems way too complicated to be understood.

Through well-structured and compelling blogs, we don’t mean a post that is 100% grammatically correct or sounds professional (even though you should use a grammar and spell checker tool!). But it should be written in a way that your users find it interesting and informative as well as easy to follow.

The structure is the first thing your readers look at via your table of content. It should be so engaging that visitors don’t think twice before checking out other blogs. For more tips on how to structure a WordPress blog post, check out this tutorial:

Here’s how you can achieve a well-structured Blog Post


  • Write an eye-catching title

Write a title that makes users more curious to click on your blog’s URL and read the full article. It should be between 50 and 60 characters. Make sure that you don’t stuff keywords unnecessarily in the title. Use it wisely i.e., only if it fits naturally.

  • Write an attractive introduction

The intro should be short and tell your users what exactly they will find in your post. Try to add some questions in your intro to make your visitors more likely to read the full blog and find answers to their problems. For example, “Do you want to increase traffic and leads? We’ll walk you through some interesting and effortless ideas of gaining more visitors to your website”.

  • Include examples and illustrations

People love to know how they can relate to your blog. For example, if your blog is about dieting tips for weight loss, give an example of your customers who lost their extra pounds using your strategies.

  • Make your content engaging

Include bullet points, sub-headings, images, videos, infographics, tables, statistics, and other content that makes your blog easy on the eye. Don’t write long paragraphs or hard-to-read content.

  • Draw a conclusion

Write a conclusion that explains how your blog post can offer solutions to the problem of your visitors. Your visitors search for a query on Google and other search engines so this is where they will find your articles first. They want relevant answers to their problems so you must write a post in a conversational tone since it attracts more visitors. The idea is to keep your visitors engaged, and what’s a better way of doing that than communicating with them through your blog effectively.

These were some blog writing strategies that can help you draw the attention of your audience and generate more traffic. Follow these tips to become an expert content writer.

You can find out more about how I ranked my “how to make money online in Germany” article on top of over 20 search terms on Google in this blog post:

The best Blogging Platform for Writers to Rank and Make Money Online

Or by watching this video:

11 Home Business Ideas For Freelance Copywriters For An Extra Income

11 Home Business Ideas For Freelance Copywriters For An Extra Income

Do you usually get judgemental looks saying you work as a freelance copywriter or are striving to become one?

Or do you yourself have doubts about becoming a freelance content writer?

Then here’s a secret from one copywriter to another: you can completely change your income potential once you start thinking like an entrepreneur and tweak your approach towards freelance copywriting.

Let’s look at a few avenues of freelance copywriting that can be your home-based side hustle you can start even while working full-time as I do:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Writing

Every organization wants its website or mobile-optimized site to rank higher in the search engines. The search engines are more likely to rank a website with original quality content. SEO copywriting should capture the search engine traffic to serve the potential customers, and at the same time, be SEO friendly. You can offer this service on freelance content writer job platforms to have some extra cash coming in.

2. Resumes and Cover Letter Writing

Resumes and Cover Letter WritingIt is a well-known fact that recruiters spend just 6 seconds to evaluate an individual’s resume. A job seeker needs to make those seconds count and grab eyeballs. Often job seekers tend to write lengthy resumes losing focus on important details.

A copywriter can leverage their skill to craft compelling resumes, highlighting the right skills of the job seeker in an engaging way, making a strong impact on the potential employer. They can turn into a professional resume writer and be a game-changer for many job seekers, who will happily pay for their writing services to land that dream job.

3. Blog Writing

Blogs are easy to use and an important marketing strategy tool to share thoughts, opinions, insights, and news. Blogs can be personal, niche-based, or business-oriented. In a personal blog, the copywriter has the freedom to choose the topic, tone, theme, approach, and direction. The stickiness of the content will bring in viewers and ultimately make it profitable. You could also work for a blog network or a company to blog about and for them as I do. Working for a digital marketing company like ClickDo Ltd. helped me learn about blogging and managing a range of blogs in various niches, where I act as a chief editor and also manage the guest posting services.

4. Event Marketing Collateral Writing

Collaterals at a business event, workshop, or conference help create a brand identity, weave a story for the brand, and support the business message. Collaterals such as brochures, leaflets, product catalogs add value to the delegates and help them take something tangible from the event. A killer copywriting for such collaterals is essential to reach the right audience and promote the business also online via email marketing for example.

5. Biography and Memoir Writing

Biographies and memoirs provide a closer look at an individual’s life and vision. Well written biographies and memoirs for a magazine, brochure, website, or even LinkedIn, have a high impact in influencing and inspiring people. Best-selling biographies or memoirs of celebrities, politicians, notable personalities, or even regular people with a compelling story have a chance of being turned into a movie, TV show, or web series.

6. Script Writing

Script Writing - Extra Income For WriterThis is a great time to be delving into scriptwriting, as it’s not just for feature-films anymore. Today a script can be written for short films, web series, YouTube videos, video games. If you have a passion for drama or digital storytelling and providing entertainment to an audience then you can start to promote your services online on sites like Craigslist, Glassdoor, Indeed, to mention a few. After you get a few projects assigned, you can build your own website to showcase these in your portfolio.

7. Annual Report Writing

Every public company is required to publish an annual report, incorporating all the important details without putting its reader to sleep. A freelance writer can provide their proficiency to simplify, but at the same time give the report a professional tone.

8. Writing eBooks

Publishing has become easier in the digital age, and eBooks are a great way to create a passive income stream. You could either work with an organization or self-publish. Organizations use eBooks as a marketing tool to entice customers to make a purchase. As a self-publisher, you have complete control over the topic, tone, marketing, and customer base. See my Kindle eBook here, in which I also explain in detail how to earn an income as a writer.

9. Specialist Writing

Over the last few years, technical or specialist writing has become an upcoming profession. Technical writing entails documenting software manuals, product details, help guides in a readable, user-friendly manner. Freelance copywriters have an opportunity here to upskill and discover a niche market such as medicine, law, or education. With distance and online learning becoming a common feature, you could be a subject matter expert to lead the academic curriculum design to meet the needs of students and teachers. Or you could write a niche blog about your own expertise like the money-saving expert did, which you can read more about in my article here.

10. Ghostwriting

You probably have a fair idea about ghostwriting and how it works. Ghostwriters are hired by people who are not good at writing and don’t have the time to invest in learning the craft. Ghostwriting takes the pressure off of marketing and promotion of the work and provides you the exposure in various niches such as books, columns, eBooks, blog posts, speeches, social media, white papers, and even song lyrics.

11. Business Plan and Business Proposal Writing

With everyone riding high on the start-up business wave, it is essential to have a kickass business proposal and business plan to instantly win an affirmative nod from the investors or a client. A writer can infuse life in the vision and mission of the entrepreneur and business with words.

Other forms of freelance writing are grant writing, speechwriting, press releases, media kits, PowerPoint presentations, translation, and transcription, so you’re left with so many options to explore and turn into money-making opportunities.

As a freelance content writer, it is important to find your niche and test and practice writing in multiple domains first before you identify your true writing talent and passion. Once you have an idea of what it is you love writing about, you should upskill and learn more about it, even go to the length of doing a course, which will improve your chances to become a professional in your chosen niche and command the right price.

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