An online presence can either make or break the success of your blog as a copywriter, influencer, small business, or large corporation.
With Google’s latest search algorithm update promising a meaningful impact on search results for particularly helpful content, implementing such SEO tactics is essential for any online author looking to maximise their web presence.
Achieving soaring site success depends on many aspects of the course, which I cover here on my blog. However, through a common practice that bloggers and SEO experts refer to as ‘guest posting’, online stature and notability can form the foundation of establishing a brand in the online community.
Guest blogging is more than just link building. Placing strategically planned guest articles in relevant publications can lead to additional publicity from trusted or renowned sources and introduce you to a far-wider-reaching audience, which is partly considered digital PR nowadays.
Inviting you to explore the benefits of guest posting, I will be your guiding compass for producing effective guest content to reach the SEO goals set for your site or brand.
Hopefully, I will inspire you to develop an online presence, build your brand, and gain more exposure and virtual visibility as a business or a person.
What is Guest Posting & Why do Authors Value it?
In accumulating a frequently expanding online audience base, copywriters, bloggers and businesses often turn to top guest posting sites as vital platforms for attracting interested visitors to their websites/blogs.
Guest writing is a way of sharing your knowledge, skill, or expertise with other audiences apart from your own. It can happen in different forms such as blog posts, magazine articles, interviews, news releases or reports, opinion pieces, etc. and I will share examples here.
Guest blogging, also referred to as guest posting, is the closest form of online networking for writers and authors of any kind and is an important part of outreach work for more online exposure.
Encompassed by the act of writing content for another website as an independent writer or contributor, guest bloggers should aim to be featured on a higher-ranking website with solid web traffic in their niche. Consequently, you can soak up your site’s viewership potential by virtually piggybacking on a more prominent online entity with similar posting pillars of interest.
From personal experience, I endorse this practice as one of many successful SEO copywriting techniques.
In the example illustrated below, data analytics show a substantial rise in site traffic, where the Digital Entrepreneurship Story I wrote for Home Business Magazine doubled my visitors and tripled average page views to my blog:

The Importance of Guest Articles
The collaborative cohesion between guest posting & blogger outreach services is what makes the pairing potential a mutual win-win for both the author and the online platform where pieces are published.
Centered around creating compelling content that trickles site traffic back to their website, this valued brand-boosting tactic proves to be an effective SEO marketing strategy for guest bloggers.
Guest posting is also valued by bloggers and businesses because, by keeping readers engaged, successful guest posts deliver new perspectives through fresh content crafted to cater to their audience.
Promotional boosts can also occur when guest bloggers share their written material with their networks.
My Top 6 Benefits of Guest Posting
I know. It seems counterproductive to spend time writing articles for other sites you may view as competitors when you could be using that time to create content for your site.
However, my reasons why guest posting offers beneficial opportunities for building online stature and notability far outweigh all forms of doubt.
1. Trust: Online Authority, Reputation, and Credibility
Influencing the extent to which people trust your brand, guest posting can help you or your business build authority via the fluid and frequent publishing of quality content you set out to offer your worldwide online audience.
With the prevalence of ‘fake news rampant in the digital era, offering solid information people can trust is of utmost importance when relying on authority as a crucial element of an effective marketing strategy.
Perceptions of you by readers build trust in the brand you’re affiliated with, subsequently improving your value and online stature. By attaching your name to the written pieces you produce, your trustworthiness gets tested, giving way to guest blogging as a critical measure for managing online reputation through the quality of your custom content.
As an equally important factor in establishing authority, credibility delivers guest blog posts on popular high-ranking sites in your industry, enhancing your virtual visibility by vetting you accordingly. Due to this vetting process, site owners who may be exceptionally picky when posting content look for the most creative, unique, and authentic content from guest bloggers.
You can learn more in my articles about online media placements and how they can boost your brand awareness and visibility with high-profile publications:
What Are Online Media Placements for Business? | SeekaHost™
How Do Media Placement Services Help Online Businesses Grow? (
2. Building Backlinks
Linkbuilding is an SEO technique used in guest posts to optimise a site’s ranking. Accumulating backlinks paves the way for SEO platforms like Google to assign higher domain ratings, resulting in higher site rankings in related keyword search results.
With relevance being a key driver in search engine algorithms, a guest post includes a relevant backlink when both ends provide similar information. For instance, if you’re creating a backlink in a guest post for a fashion website, directing it to your food blog wouldn’t serve your site and readers any favors.
With the emergence of ‘clickbait’ impacting the interconnectedness of the online community, context matters. As such, authors aim to minimise all mismatching material to ensure that their guest blogging makes sense for both them and site owners. This means that any backlinks added in guest content must provide the targeted reader with value first of all.
You can read my guide on effective link building to better understand what to look out for when you build links with your guest blogging, which does not only include written content by the way:
24 Must-Know Link Building Methods for guaranteed SEO Results
3. Generating High-Quality Traffic
As an advanced version of gathering organic traffic for monetised blogs, high-quality traffic develops when sites begin to attract visitors who are most likely to benefit from their content or make a sale.
By publishing guest articles on other relevant websites, you’re already amassing a target audience interested in your posts. High-quality traffic takes this a few steps further by reaching readers willing to purchase sellable items featured on your blog.
If your website earnings are generated purely on advertisements or eCommerce, using compelling content to target those who are more likely to resonate with your material and hit ‘click’ will help you reach your quota.
This can be best achieved with a so-called CTA (call to action) that should invite the readers of your guest content to explore your website.
If you’re an influencer, you can check out my influencer marketing tips for higher conversions:
If you produce more visual content and are especially active on social media, then you can read my social media video tips guide to learn how to lead more traffic to your blog:
12 Social Media Video Tips to Drive Traffic to your Blog Post
4. Expanding Your Portfolio of Work
Online portfolios of work are vital for bloggers, writers, and businesses because consumers want a first-hand look at the impact a web brand has.
The more a brand thrives online often depends on how valuable the shared information is and via which sources it can be found. In terms of reputation and status, a guest publication in an esteemed magazine like we got published on or can hugely impact your brand. And even search engines like Google will rank such high authority mentions well, giving your name far more online exposure.
Instead of limiting their online portfolios to their respective platforms, authors use guest blogging to branch out and engage with larger audiences, so they don’t have to promote their brand through less relevant advertisements like paid ads for example.
5. Driving Social Media Success
Gravitating toward appearing in as many places on the internet as possible, guest bloggers turn to social media as an additional online avenue for putting their brand on display to garner brand mentions.
With the potential for social media influencer marketing to meet favorable returns on investment, some guest bloggers swear by the practice as an effective tool for building brand awareness.
Plus, often the publications that publish your guest content will share it on their socials and tag you in it so that their followers also find you there. Or if you share your guest content and tag them, they may reshare it with their community as you can see below with a tagged Tweet for

Are you a blogger with aspirations of becoming an online influencer?
Using your online persona and social media following as tools for sourcing wider audiences for your site is not a sure bet. However, turning to various social media video tips to drive traffic to your blog posts can make this goal attainable.
In addition to brand mentions and online influence, social media sharing is also considered a key motivator in driving online users to follow new accounts or visit prominent websites. Commonplace nowadays for readers to see Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn ‘share’ icons displayed on guest articles; we have site owners to thank, as guest blogging helps gain those shares.
Also falling under the social media umbrella, profile growth offers brands opportunities to feature in “who to follow” lists and suggestions with just a few simple guest posts.
The example below perfectly illustrates the potential to garner wider exposure when tagging businesses in social media posts:
Benefit From Free Hospitality Training as a London School Leaver – #UK #hospitality #charity @Springboard_UK offers #London #SchoolLeavers aged 16-18 #free 2-week #summerschool c…
— London Business News Mag (@LbizNews) August 5, 2022
Notice how the tweet got retweeted from the Springboard account and Springboard CEO Chris Gamm himself.

6. Improving Your Writing Skills
Practice makes perfect and from one published post to the next, guest blogging develops and improves writing skills, directly influencing a writer’s ability to create more persuasive content for their website.
By consistently churning out captivating content through your guest articles, you will start to notice your grammar, spelling, and overall readability improve over time. Furthermore, by applying what you learn to the content on your website to make it stand out, your site will, in turn, perform better the more effective you become as a writer.
To give you a leg-up, my knowledge of using engaging content to create blog posts that Google sends many readers to will provide you with all the helpful hints needed to make for a full-proof SEO framework.
My Go-To Guide to Perfecting Your Guest
As a copywriter and online media strategist for ClickDo and SeekaHost, I am constantly trying to give other writers, bloggers, and businesses opportunities to align themselves with a credible content publishing source that is beneficial for their guest blogging agenda because digital news and media services can offer fantastic custom content marketing opportunities and you can find out more about what we currently offer via various platforms here:
London Business News Digital PR Services
Green Living Blog Digital News Services
UK Education Blog Digital Marketing Services
Touching on various topics, digital press and news release publication services offer the faultless funneling of versatile information that covers different subject matter, which diversifies your outreach objectives.
Ready to boost your guest blogging game?
My proven tips include always remembering to:
- Use your guest content to cater to your intended audience
- Establish collaborative brand alignments
- Follow editorial guidelines
- Avoid submitting overtly self-promotional material
- Include a call-to-action
- Include internal SEO links strategically
- Include added media strategically
- Be original
Guest blogging is hands down one of the best ways to test new content marketing strategies and developments for the benefit of your blogs and websites.
Be bold and reach out to top publications with a tempting guest post pitch to test the ideal strategy that works best for guest content publications that boost your name or brand. While you are at it, avoid letting yourself get mystified by the myth that content featured on someone’s site doesn’t serve any purpose for yours because it does – and in a myriad of ways as highlighted here.
For guest bloggers, their blogs are their brand, and by offering a platform of opportunity to generate revenue online, guest posting has become one of the best SEO practices for any website, from everyday bloggers to large corporations. So, get involved now.
Author Profile

- manuela
- Blogger and Educator by Passion | CMO at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.
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